Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fun With Maturity!!!

I've played this game many a time with Mother Maven and her compatriots, and recently had an exciting round with The Roommate in the noble pursuit of procrastination.

Here are the rules:

Each player names an actor or actress. The other players have to decide whether they think that actor is a "boy" or a "man" (with actresses of course it's 'woman' or 'girl.') If a player disagrees they are to, um, disagree vehemently and state their case. Then all players decide by democratic vote who is correct. Generally, whether an actor is a boy or a man depends upon the roles said actor plays, although the behavior of said actor in real life can also be debated.

Example: George Clooney is a man. Topher Grace is a boy.
Female Example: Emma Thompson is a woman. Kirsten Dunst is a girl (except in Interview with the Vampire, where, ironically she was a girl playing a girl who acted like a woman. Oh, those pesky vampires!)

Now comes the tricky part. Occasionally one will run across an actor/actress who defies simple categorization. Either their roles have been too diverse and complex, or they are pathetic man-children who haven't yet reached a mature stage in adulthood that can register in their performances. In such a case, The Roommate and I have decided that there should be a merging of said maturity levels- "Moy" and "Wirl," respectively. The naming of a Moy or Wirl must be sufficiently explained to come into play.

Example: Johnny Depp is a Moy, mainly because his chameleon-like ability to morph into whatever character is required enables him to be alternately boyish and playful or manly at will. It is a rare gift.
Female Example: Kate Winslet is a Wirl, because she is able to integrate both a girlish cute factor without being nauseating, as well as an ability to fit into complex and mature roles. Also a rare gift.

There are no winners or losers in this game, and you can play until exhausted and/or bored with the entire affair. Play it with your friends! Play it with your family! Play it with a stranger on the bus! Or you could just debate below in my fabulous comments box. Enjoy!

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