Monday, June 11, 2007

You Also Look Like I Need a Drink

There's nothing more cringe-inducing than watching a group of talented animators beat on a dead horse.

Shrek 3, aside from one hilarious scene at a medieval high school (Worcestershire High) is pretty much just that. Lots of adult-themed jokes, lots of sweet-natured lessons about loving thyself, blah blah blah. This was wonderful and revolutionary... the first time. Since the dawning of the Age of Shrek, we have seen nothing but computer-animated pictures with adult-themed jokes and sweet-natured moral tales. The ani-clusterfuck had begun to grate on me about three penguin movies ago, and like Paris Hilton, there's no end in sight. So, Shrek, you also look like I need a drink. Before you were adorable and life-affirming. Now I don't even want to rent you on DVD.

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