This is the statement that occurred to me last week, when I turned on CNN to see

"You look like I need a drink" is an
Against Me! song, and the phrase has always tickled me. And when I saw Paris Hilton, paraded in all her entitled, stupid glory through the streets back to prison, as she wailed and gnashed her teeth and rent her garments, I couldn't help but think, "Man, Paris, you look like I need a drink."
The moment Paris was released from prison for being too whiny, my detached annoyance at her presence was morphed into a profound, fiery hatred that turn my eyes red and caused an unholy wind that blew down anyone in my presence. She was the result, nay the symbol, of the easy corruption and favoritism practiced in our justice system. As Mother Maven said so astutely, "If her name was LaQwanda and she lived in South Central LA, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now."
But, unfortunately her name is Paris and she most definitely does not live in South Central LA. But in the end, apparently the judge had the same facing-God's-wrath reaction I did, because he cheerfully sent her back. There were tears of joy, and dancing in the streets at her less-than-dignified departure, and all manner of schadenfreude marked the weekend admirably. But after my vengeful wrath had been sated by Baby Paris' tears, a dawning crept over me.
Oh dear God. We will never be rid of her.
Because then there will be the prison exposes and the appeals, and the release, and the aftermath, and the Diane Sawyer interview, and it will
never end. And that is why I need a drink. Not just for poor Baby Paris, who's facing 23 days of uncomfortable mattresses and the prospect of being someone's Veronica to their Betty. But for all of us, condemned to look at her stupid lazy-eye until she inevitably drops dead from a cocaine overdose in P.Diddy's bathroom.