A quick post today, as I am all hopped-up on uppers and Mountain Dew and will be spending the night catching up on reading about anti-Whig politics in The Scarlet Letter. Any adult who dares tell me again about the days of wine and roses that is higher education can kiss my strung-out, sleep-deprived, painfully-indebted ass.
On a happier note, Sundance ended today with a bang, and several intriguing little indie morsels should be coming our way very soon (read coverage here and here, from people who are lucky enough to bask in the shameless self-absorption and absurd wind chill factor of Park City, UT). The film that has my canine-like ears pricked up is Black Snake Moan, with my beloved Samuel L., Christina Ricci and Justin Timberlake. Ricci plays a nymphomaniac who is chained to a radiator by Samuel L., who wants to save her soul.
It's southern, just go with it.
Anywho, Samuel L. sings the blues in it, and the few bits I've heard are raw and haunting to listen to, filled with Southern Gothic humidity and growling, wrenching sorrow. A little download provided for your listening pleasure is below.
Samuel L. Jackson- Stackolee
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