There's a new movie coming out this summer.
It's about a guy who wants to kill this person who's going to testify against him.
So he releases a whole crate of poisonous snakes on the plane the witness is on to kill him.
You know what it's called?
Snakes on a Plane.
No, I'm not kidding.
Click the link above- you'll find the IMDB listing for it. Heck, have it's official website link too.
Interesting. The official website doesn't have much except a link to a fan site, and New Line Cinema's logo.
Not even a synopsis of the movie.
But then you don't really need one, do you?
It's a movie about snakes on a plane.
'Nuff said.
Gets straight to the point- I like that.
Anyway, Samuel L. Jackson's in it.
The IMDB listing says that Jackson took the part purely for the title. He was adamant it not be changed when they began marketing the movie.
I like Jackson's moxie. Only he could star in a movie entitled Snakes on a Plane and still maintain a shred of dignity.
Here's one of his lines:
"Enough is enough. I've had it with the snakes."
Is that not the best line ever uttered in film? So decisive, so take-charge!
So, I guess the conclusion to this silly little interlude is obvious:
I can't wait to see Snakes on a Plane. I'm purchasing tickets as soon as they're available.
And Samuel L. Jackson is the coolest man alive.
That is all.
(Photo courtesy of About.com)
1 comment:
The myspace website is fabulous, and I absolutely cannot wait to see this film!
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