In the meantime, however, I will simply daydream at the Day Job and remember the last excellent DVD I saw, the British Kinky Boots, starring one of my favoritest character actors, Chiwetel Ejiofor. The film itself isn't really all that fabulous (poorly edited and clunky, and the plot navigation is badly manned.) But Ejiofor's performance (a drag queen named Lola who helps a struggling shoe factory find a new niche market for transvestites who keep breaking their heels) is simply wonderful. He creates Lola as saucy indeed, and a free spirit, but she is not just the faggy stereotype we're so used to seeing in mainstream films. Lola is a flesh and blood character, and Ejiofor plays her with the perfect balance of strength, joy and intense vulnerability. The best scene I've witnessed in a long time is when the conservative shoemaker devises a burgundy boot with a low heel, and Lola grimaces and disdainfully whispers, "Burgundy. Please God, tell me I have not inspired something burgundy."

Frankly I could watch Ejiofor read from the phone book and be entertained; I consider him on par with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Vincent Donofrio and Jeffrey Wright in terms of versatility and brainy, beautiful performances.

Frankly I could watch Ejiofor read from the phone book and be entertained; I consider him on par with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Vincent Donofrio and Jeffrey Wright in terms of versatility and brainy, beautiful performances.